Thursday, October 4, 2012


So glad I went for a walk early this morning while the air was warm and the sun was shining brightly.
Four hours later and it's taken a bit of a turn - still mild, but very overcast around here. Not to worry. This is Melbourne after all. I'm sure the sun will return in a minute. Or it will start to hail. Who knows really.
Anyway, back when the sun still shone I took a couple of photos.
 Morning in the valley.

 The sky was actually this colour.

This is to remind me to buy a lilac tree. We had them in two of our gardens in the past. Such a wonderful fragrance.

Not a fan of having his photo taken. Squawked at me non-stop until I went away.
Yesterday I walked only around my garden, but there was plenty to see.

Definitely a pink and purple theme happening here.

1 comment:

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you for this walk - I loved it.