Thursday, October 11, 2012


I always remember Mum saying she loved British films as there was always so much attention to detail in them. She was referring to the little touches in the decoration of the character's homes in particular.
This comment came to mind while I was watching "Genevieve" (1953) - a light-hearted story about a vintage car race from London to Brighton and back. "Genevieve" is the name of one of the cars.
My favourite part is one scene at the beginning which takes place in the home of the owners of "Genevieve". The little kitchen is just adorable and there is indeed an incredible amount of domestic detail.
 Kenneth More as Ambrose, friend and racing rival, with the lady of the house, Wendy (Dinah Sheridan)

Gorgeous typical (fictional) 1950's domestic goddess.

Genevieve's owner Alan (John Gregson). Love that storage area behind him in this picture.
I was also very taken with the little entrance hall.

Love the blue wall in this hallway, and the yellow cupboard and the light fitting!

After this, the little house was sadly not seen again. It was all car racing and various auto-related mishaps.
However, the stunning Kay Kendall soon appeared as Ambrose's travel companion, Rosalind, and she definitely brightened up the screen.

A fun little movie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another terrific review, M. I think that you and Gi pay a lot of attention to detail as well which I always appreciate when I visit your homes. As for domestic goddesses, Mum always put on a clean apron and lipstick pending my father's arrival home from work. That gene must skip a generation. Gu is home well and truly before me anyway. Glad he doesn't lip up! Although a clean apron would be nice. N