Tuesday, April 24, 2012


This cat knows what to do on a day like this. She snuggled down on the bed at about 9am and didn't move until around 7pm.
My sympathies were with the various family members who had to venture outside due to school, university and work commitments. Particularly the ones who had to walk to their destinations and to public transport.
Unfortunately, I eventually had to brave the elements myself as Z had another Debutante dress fitting.
This saga has continued for weeks. When Z first tried on the dress it fitted perfectly but the hem needed to be taken up. After it was paid for in full, we went to have the hem taken up and found that the dress no longer fitted as Z had lost weight, so it had to be taken in before it could be taken up.
All of this was adding up cost-wise until I began to think the alterations would cost as much as the dress! Today was the final fitting and (of course) the hem still wasn't quite right, so we waited while several layers of tulle were shortened by several millimetres with painstaking care by the lovely seamstress.
The beautiful dress is home at last, and my only concern now is that I'm capable of lacing it up tightly enough on The Night to avoid a disaster during more strenuous dancing.

Below, just a couple of photos from today.
Oil burner brightening up the house on a gloomy day.

Pumpkin soup. Delicious.

1 comment:

Elephant's Child said...

Chilly here too. A stunning selection of photos today, love them all from the comfort loving (aren't they all) cat to the divine deb, the oil burner and the soup. Thank you.