Saturday, December 29, 2012

....and breathe.

Thank goodness it's over for another year. I'd like to enjoy the festive season but working in retail tends to suck a lot of the joy out of it. So very, very exhausting. Most people are just way too stressed and often short tempered, including me. Admittedly, there are a few exceptions. Some of our wonderful regular customers presented us with chocolates and biscuits and other goodies which were much appreciated.
Christmas Day itself was just lovely. Our biggest Christmas miracle was that we managed to seat 16 people in our small dining area with relative ease (and three tables). We've catered for more than this on other occasions but never for  a sit-down meal. It was a happy day with lots of laughter and good food.
I worked on Boxing Day which I didn't mind even though it meant working for one day in the middle of a 10 day break. Our long-standing work rule is that if you do Boxing Day, you don't have to work Christmas Eve. No question as to which I'd rather do. December 24th working in a shop is definitely the nightmare before Christmas.
Anyway it's all over bar the never ending left-overs.
Here are a few moments from Christmas Day 2012 in our home.


Elephant's Child said...

That looked wonderful. Thank you. Happy New Year to you and yours.

Anonymous said...

Was a wonderful day, M. Smiles all 'round and all very delicious. Thanks again, N.