As usual, I've taken many, many photos of this beautiful tree in the past couple of weeks. Such a lovely display, brightening up the end of winter.
Cut flowers don't generally do very well in our centrally heated home, but we enjoy them while we can. So much nicer than artificial air fresheners.
My grandmother gave me this little cherub vase and a posy of violets for my 15th (I think) birthday, so many years ago.
It was one of those thoughtful, simple gifts that you never forget, and I like to fill it with violets around this time of year. The fragrance of violets always takes me back to another time in my life...
Beautiful. Your blossom is well ahead of ours, but we too are filling the house with jonquils and violets. Bliss
That little vase is something I always coveted when we were girls! I'd forgotten the violets. And wasn't it your 13th birthday? One of those times Mum and Dad invited heaps of their friends over for a dinner and they all bought you presents? I seem to remember Jenny E meeting Dawn A for the first time and shrieking over the beehive hairdo.
Those were the days!
And aren't you very nearly a birthday girl once again? Tomorrow, in fact? I hope your day is incredibly beautiful and full of surprises. Love, N.
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